
Naval battle group crossword
Naval battle group crossword

first black man to receive medal of Honor.A prison camp where citizens paid 15cents to look at inmates.this woman helped slaves escape during the civil war.Lincoln declared this a holiday in 1863 to help bring country together during the war.the side of the war made of up the southern states succeeded from union.this item accounted for more that 90% of all battle fatalities.this medication was given to soliders who had limbs amputated to help with pain.this battle took place in Tennessee in 1864.a civil war weapon invented by Robert Gatling.This was the divider to determine the boundaries between Pennsylvania and Maryland, also seen as the boundary line between North and South.Located in Virgina, was where Confederate general Robert E Lee surrendered his troops, marking the end of the Civil War.A person who was for the abolition of slavery in America.a document which Ambraham Lincon issued, stating that all people held as slaves in the Confederate states to be freed.Was a former governor of New Jersey, railroad president, and major Civil War Union general.was a militarty outpost in the hands of the Union during the Civil War.One of the most popular guns used during the Civil War.This was Robert E Lee's second invasion in the north which ended up being a great victory for the Union.Was a Confederate Civil War general who then became one of the best-known Confederate commanders after General Robert E.

naval battle group crossword

  • He was the president of the Confederate States of America during the Civil War.
  • Was the top confederate general during the Civil War.
  • The last and senior Union Civil War general who was also the three times Governor of Rhode Island.
  • The last Confederate Civil War general who started the American Civil War by leading the attack on Fort Sumter on April 12, 1861.
  • Down: 1 George, 2 Doctrine, 3 Mars, 4 Gedaliah, 5 Kent, 6 Red sea, 11 Chicness, 12 Pharisee, 14 Eraser, 16 Blades, 18 Veer, 19 Seth.

    naval battle group crossword

    Quick answers to No 0439: Across: 7 Pelota, 8 Exeter, 9 Protestantism, 10 Levi, 11 Caiaphas, 13 Jeremiah, 15 Alba, 17 Calvinistical, 20 Tenets, 21 Thebes. Down: 1 Nimrod, 2 Redeemed, 3 Undo, 4 Napthali, 5 Nebo, 6 Uproar, 11 Declared, 12 Persians, 14 On hand, 16 Tonans, 18 Sark, 19 Open.

    1 Angel, one in Britain to rile violently against (7)ĥ Ecuadorean cash that was spent to make the Spanish sweet… (5)Ĩ …large amount a heavyweight takes in part (4,3)ĩ Group of acrobats with little regard for safety? (5)ġ1 He predicted priest’s unfinished pilgrimage to the west (6)ġ3 The goat herder that becomes a king in the Bible (5,3,5)ġ8 …he was close to Bacchus’ inner deliberations (5)Ģ1 Kind of daily routine a monk gets into? (5)Ģ2 Crimean War battle’s a tad never-ending, requiring old Asian capital (4-3)Ģ4 NT city where drug pushers get disciplined and run out (7)ġ Felled wood goat’s jumping around high hill (8)Ģ Floozy hobbit left, abandoned, to get married (5)ģ As a preferred alternative, after this month, eat Atkins Diet for starters (7)Ĥ Capable hamlet in reformation for clerical lodgings (7,6)Ħ Writhing dance clubs in east Africa put before the Queen (7)ħ Tolkien creatures raised primarily among speaking trees not elves (4)ġ2 Films a series of asphalt battles in streets (4,4)ġ4 Most, 23, follow 60% of 5 Dn, and much of this, in the spectrum (7)ġ5 Bound to be southern lass going over uniform speed (7)ġ Former name of the holy Hindu city, Varanasi, on the Ganges (either spelling)(7)ġ0 Award-winning actors: see 5 Ac 17 Dn 20 Dn (5)ġ1 Warm ocean current that flows south off the coast of Ecuador at Christmas time (2,4)ġ3 Each of the times of daily prayer appointed in the Breviary (9,4)ġ6 The teaching or revelation of Christ (6)Ģ1 Someone who discriminates against the elderly (variant spelling) (5)ġ English-born ’Apostle of Germany’: name of nine popes between 4 (8)Ĥ Body of cardinals which elects new popes (6,7)ħ - – - Ma, American cellist of Chinese/French origins (2-2)ġ4 Stone tool or other artefact/structure from the New Stone Age (7)ġ5 Last great sea battle (1571) involving oar-power (7)ġ7 Major character of the NT, also called Cephas (5)Ģ0 St - Frances de Chantal, 1572-1641 (4)Ĭryptic answers to No 0439: Across: 7 Simeon, 8 Aleppo, 9 Greek Orthodox, 10 Edom, 11 Diaspora, 13 Mordecai, 15 Rite, 17 Thessalonians, 20 Entrée, 21 El Nino.

    Naval battle group crossword